Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Max who lived in a small village. He wanted to travel the world and learn new languages. So one day, he decided to go on an adventure.
Max put his phrasebook in his pocket, and slowly walked towards the village gate. But suddenly, he heard a voice calling him. It was his friend, Tim. Tim hurriedly ran to Max and said, "Max, come quickly! There is a problem with the well, the water has been cut off, and everyone is thirstily waiting for it to be fixed."
Max knew he had to help, so he went with Tim to the well. When they arrived, they saw that a branch had fallen and cut the rope that was used to draw water from the well. Max thought for a moment and then took out his phrasebook. He found the phrase he was looking for, "Excuse me, can you help?"
Max greeted the villagers and asked for their help. Together, they worked slowly but surely, and finally, the rope was fixed and the water started flowing again. The villagers were very grateful, and Max was happy to have helped and learned a new phrase in the process.
The end.
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