Lily's Messy Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who was getting ready to go on a trip. She packed her suitcase with all of her favorite clothes, toys and books. But when she looked around her room, it was a complete mess! Everywhere she looked, there was clutter and disarray. Suddenly, she realized that she had already left something important behind. She quickly checked her suitcase but it wasn't there. She felt upset and didn't know what to do.

Just then, her mom walked in and asked her what was wrong. Lily explained the situation and her mom told her not to worry. She said that if they hurried, they could still make it to the airport and retrieve the forgotten item. So, they both worked together to clean up the mess and pack the rest of Lily's things. They finally managed to leave on time and catch their flight.

The rest of the trip was amazing and Lily never forgot to double-check her suitcase before leaving again. The end.


  1. What is the name of the main character in the story?
  2. What did Lily forget when she was packing for her trip?
  3. How did Lily's mom help her during the trip?
  4. What did Lily learn from this experience?
  5. How can you make sure you don't leave anything important behind before a trip?

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