Lily's Magic Adventure in Paris

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who lived in a beautiful city called Paris. She loved watching movies at the cinema and dreamed of being in one herself. One day, while walking through the city, she stumbled upon a film shoot. To her surprise, she was picked to be an extra in the movie!
She had the time of her life on set and was in awe of the magic of cinema. From that day on, she visited the cinema every chance she got and watched every film she could. She promised herself she would never ever forget the beauty of the movies and the city of Paris. The end.


  1. What did Lily do before she became an extra in the movie?
  2. What did Lily promise herself about Paris and the cinema?
  3. How did Lily feel about her experience on the film set?
  4. What did Lily learn about the city of Paris and the magic of cinema?

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