Once upon a time, there was a man named Max who ran a fruit store. Max loved his job and the customers he met every day. However, Max had been thinking about retiring for a while now, but he didn't know how long he should keep working. One day, a little girl came into his store and asked him why he was thinking of retiring. Max replied that he wanted to retire because he felt it was time to rest and enjoy his life after many years of hard work. The little girl asked him how long he had been running the store. Max replied that he had been selling fruits since he was 25 years old, which was a really long time! The little girl then looked at Max with a big smile and said, "I believe in you, Max. You can do anything you set your mind to, even if you retire. May your future be filled with happiness!" And with that, Max decided to keep running the fruit store for a bit longer, because he felt happy and appreciated by the little girl's words of encouragement.
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