Ow the Owl's Tumble Down the Stairs

Once upon a time, there was an owl named Ow. One day, Ow was flying down the stairs and slipped, causing him to fall all the way down. He hurt his back and couldn't stand up.
Ow called for help, and at once, a group of animals came to his aid. They were sure that Ow needed medical attention, so they took him to the hospital.
The doctor ordered an X-ray to see what was wrong with Ow's back. After the X-ray, the doctor told Ow that he had a minor injury and would be fine with some rest.
Ow was relieved and grateful for the help of his friends. He learned to be more careful when flying down the stairs from now on.


  1. What caused Ow to fall down the stairs?
  2. Who helped Ow after he hurt his back?
  3. What did the doctor do to find out what was wrong with Ow's back?
  4. How did Ow feel after he found out he would be okay?
  5. What lesson did Ow learn from this experience?

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