The Magic Waterfall of Aging

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Sarah. She was SEVENTEEN years old and lived in a small village with her family.

One day, Sarah decided to go on an adventure to explore the nearby forest. As she walked deeper into the forest, she came across a beautiful waterfall. She sat down to rest and enjoy the view.

As she sat there, she noticed that the waterfall had a strange power. Every time she looked at it, she felt a year older. Sarah was curious, so she decided to test it out. She looked at the waterfall and counted to herself, "One, two, three!" And just like that, she felt a year older. She was now EIGHTEEN years old.

Sarah couldn't believe it. She looked at the waterfall again and counted to herself, "One, two, three!" And just like that, she felt another year older. She was now NINETEEN years old.

As she was about to leave the forest, she thought about one more test. She looked at the waterfall and counted to herself, "One, two, three!" And just like that, she felt another year older. She was now TWENTY years old.

Sarah realized that the waterfall was a magical place and that she should use its power wisely. She thanked the waterfall and promised to return one day to visit it again. She went home and told her family about her adventure and the magical waterfall. They were amazed and couldn't wait to go and see it for themselves.

And so, Sarah and her family went on many more adventures together and visited the magical waterfall whenever they needed to grow a little bit older.


  1. What do you think Sarah was feeling when she first discovered the waterfall's power?
  2. Why do you think Sarah decided to test the waterfall's power?
  3. How do you think Sarah's family felt when she told them about her adventure and the magical waterfall?

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