Lily's Travel Adventure

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Lily who loved to travel and see the world. One day, she decided to go on an adventure with her friends. They traveled by train, plane, car, truck, bicycle, bus and boat. Finally, they arrived at a port where they saw a big ship. They boarded the ship and set sail on a wonderful journey.

Along the way, they visited many amazing places and met new friends. They saw dolphins jumping in the ocean and had fun playing games on the deck. At night, they looked up at the stars and made wishes.

Their journey finally came to an end when they arrived back at the port. Lily and her friends were sad to say goodbye to the ship, but they were excited to go back home and tell everyone about their amazing adventure. From that day on, they cherished the memories of their trip and looked forward to their next adventure.


  1. What modes of transportation did Lily and her friends use to travel?
  2. What did they see on their journey?
  3. Who did they meet on the way?
  4. How did they feel when they returned from the trip?
  5. What do they treasure about their adventure?

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