Lily's Adventures in the Park and Beyond

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to explore new places. One day, she went to the park with her friends and they had a great time playing on the swings and slides. After that, they decided to go camping in the woods. They set up their tent and made a fire to cook their dinner. At night, they lay in their sleeping bags and looked at the stars. The next day, they went to a store to buy some supplies for their journey. They found a shop on the way back to the park and stopped to take a look. They saw so many toys and candy that they couldn't decide what to buy. In the end, they bought a little of everything and had a great time playing with their new toys. The trip was a lot of fun, and Lily never forgot about her adventure in the park and the woods.


  1. Where did Lily go with her friends?
  2. What did they do in the park?
  3. Did they enjoy their camping trip?
  4. What did they find in the store?
  5. What was in the shop they visited?
  6. What did they buy in the end?
  7. Did they have fun playing with their new toys?

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