The Leaf that Shone Like a Star

Once upon a time, there was a lake surrounded by lush green grass. One day, a tiny leaf was blown into the lake by a gust of wind. As it floated along, the leaf gazed up at the starry sky and wished to be as bright as the stars. Suddenly, a shooting star flew across the sky and landed in the lake with a splash. The leaf was amazed and swam over to meet the star. To its surprise, the star was actually a friendly creature who offered to grant the leaf's wish. The next night, the leaf shone like a star, dazzling all the creatures in the lake and the animals on the grass. And so, the leaf lived happily ever after, shining brightly and spreading joy wherever it went.


  1. What did the leaf wish for?
  2. How did the leaf become a star?
  3. What was the reaction of other creatures in the lake?
  4. How did the story end?
  5. What lesson do you think the story is trying to teach?

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