The Magic of Nature on the Island Beach

Once upon a time, there was an island with a beautiful beach surrounded by hills. One day, a wave brought a piece of ice from the ocean to the shore. The heat of the sun melted the ice and combined with the sand to create a fire. The kids on the island were amazed by this unusual occurrence in nature. They played with the fire and ice, feeling the coolness and warmth. It was a fun day at the beach and they learned about the power of nature. The end.


  1. What happened to the piece of ice when it reached the beach?
  2. How did the kids react when they saw the fire and ice on the beach?
  3. What did the kids learn from the experience at the beach?
  4. How does the story show the power of nature?
  5. Can you think of other examples in nature where different elements come together like this?

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