The Kingdom's Magical Map

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom with a magical map. The map had dots on it that represented places of interest. One day, the king noticed that some dots were consonants and others were vowels. He realized that when the vowels were lit up, they produced a beautiful sound. But when the consonants were lit up, there was no sound. The king asked his advisors, "Should I only light up the vowels?" His advisors replied, "Yes, Your Majesty, that would be best." So, the king made a rule that only vowels could be lit up. The kingdom was filled with beautiful sounds, and everyone was happy. But one day, a brave young adventurer found a piece of the map that showed both vowels and consonants. They lit up both, and to their surprise, they discovered that the consonants made a light! The young adventurer brought the piece of the map to the king and said, "Your Majesty, I have discovered something amazing. The consonants make a light!" The king was amazed and asked, "Should I change the rule and allow both vowels and consonants to be lit up?" The young adventurer replied, "Yes, Your Majesty, it is worth a try." And so, the kingdom was filled with both light and sound, and everyone was even happier. The end.


  1. What was the rule about lighting up the dots on the map?
  2. Why did the kingdom only light up the vowels at first?
  3. Who discovered that the consonants made a light?
  4. What was the king's decision after the discovery was made?
  5. How did the kingdom change after the rule was changed?

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