The Angry Girl and the Lost Apple

Once upon a time, there was an angry little girl named Anna. She was upset because she had lost her favorite apple. She asked everyone she saw if they had seen it, but no one could answer her.

One day, she was walking in the forest when she saw another little girl with an apple that looked just like hers. She ran over and asked if she could have her apple back. The other girl said she found it on the ground and didn't know who it belonged to.

Anna was still angry and asked if she could see the apple. The other girl handed it to her, and as soon as she saw it, she knew it was her missing one. She thanked the other girl and started to walk away, but then she stopped and turned back. She asked the other girl if she needed anything or if anyone had ever been mean to her.

The other girl said she was all right, but she looked sad. Anna asked if she could help in any way, and the other girl said she was looking for her lost kitten. Anna offered to help her find the kitten, and they set off together.

After a while of searching, they finally found the kitten and returned it to its grateful owner. From that day on, the two girls became friends and would help each other with anything they needed, anytime they needed it.

And that's the story of how anger can sometimes be replaced by kindness, and how two people can appear to be strangers but end up becoming good friends.


  1. Why was Anna angry at the beginning of the story?
  2. What changed Anna's feelings towards the other girl?
  3. What did the two girls do together after they found the kitten?
  4. How would you describe Anna's behavior at the end of the story compared to the beginning?
  5. What lesson can we learn from this story?

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