The Brave Little Black Bit

Once upon a time, there was a little black bit who lived in a big forest. One day, while swinging from tree to tree, the little black bit came across a big apple. She was so hungry and wanted to take a bite, but she was too small to reach it. So, she decided to climb up the tree to get to the apple. Suddenly, she heard a loud noise and saw a big black bear coming towards her. The little black bit was scared and quickly hid behind the tree. The bear took a big bite of the apple and then walked away. The little black bit was brave enough to come out and take a small bite of the apple. She was so happy to finally have a delicious snack. From that day on, the little black bit always remembered to be brave and never let fear stop her from reaching her goals.


  1. What was the little black bit scared of?
  2. Why did the little black bit hide behind the tree?
  3. How did the little black bit get a bite of the apple?
  4. Was the little black bit brave or scared?

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