Lily's Caring Birthday Surprise

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to bake cakes. One day, she decided to bake a special cake for her friend's birthday. She mixed the ingredients, put it in the oven, and set a timer to make sure it was cooked perfectly.

Just then, she received a call from her friend who was in trouble and needed her help. Lily quickly took off her apron, put on her cap and got into her car. She drove as fast as she could to her friend's house.

When she arrived, she found out that her friend had forgotten her birthday and didn't have a card or a candle for her cake. Lily didn't want her friend's birthday to be ruined, so she quickly ran to the nearest store to buy a card and a candle.

With the card and candle in hand, she drove back to her friend's house and helped her light the candle on her cake. Her friend was so happy and grateful, she gave Lily a big hug and thanked her for always being there to care for her.

From that day on, Lily realized that being kind and caring was more important than anything else, even a perfect cake. The end.


  1. What was Lily's friend in trouble about?
  2. What did Lily do to help her friend on her birthday?
  3. What did Lily buy at the store for her friend's birthday celebration?
  4. Why was Lily's friend grateful to her?
  5. What did Lily learn from this experience?

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