Lily's Lucky Find

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to collect things. One day, she found a shiny coin on the street while wearing her warm coat on a cold winter day. She was so excited and wanted to add it to her collection.
When she got home, she pulled out her comb to help her organize her collection, but noticed that the coin was different from all the other coins she had. It was a beautiful colour and she couldn't decide where to put it.
After thinking for a while, she decided to give the coin a special place in her collection, based on its unique colour. From that day on, she always kept the coin in her coat pocket, so she could admire its beauty whenever she felt cold. And every time she looked at it, it reminded her of the special winter day when she found it.


  1. What did Lily love to collect?
  2. How did she feel when she found the coin?
  3. Why was the coin different from all the other coins in her collection?
  4. Where did she decide to keep the coin?
  5. What did the coin remind her of every time she looked at it?

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