Lily Brings Sunshine to a Cloudy Day

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to climb trees. One day, she climbed up a tall tree to get a better view of the world. As she looked around, she noticed that the clock tower nearby was striking the hour. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and a piece of cloth got caught on a branch. Lily carefully climbed down to retrieve it, only to find that it was part of her favorite dress. She realized that she had to go home to change her clothes.
On the way home, Lily walked under a cloudy sky and thought about how she could make it better. She had an idea! She went to her kitchen and made a cup of coffee. She then climbed back up the tree with her coffee and a small cloud-shaped cushion. When she reached the top, she sat down and sipped her coffee while she watched the clouds go by. She was so close to the clouds that it felt like she could touch them.
Eventually, the clouds began to clear and the sun came out. Lily smiled, feeling proud of herself for bringing some sunshine into a cloudy day. She climbed down from the tree, put away her coffee cup and cushion, and went back to playing outside with a big smile on her face. The end.


  1. Why did Lily climb the tree?
  2. What happened to her dress?
  3. How did Lily make the cloudy day better?
  4. What did Lily do with the coffee?
  5. How did Lily feel at the end of the story?

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