Lily and the Dusty Duck: A Story of Dreams and Duty

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to dream. She would imagine herself wearing the most beautiful dresses and drinking the finest drinks. One day, she went for a drive in her dad's car, but she accidentally dropped her drink. The drink spilled all over the car and it was starting to dry up in the sun.

Just then, they saw a duck walking by the side of the road. The duck looked very dusty and in need of a good wash. Lily felt it was her duty to help the poor duck, so she got out of the car and went to catch the duck. She cleaned it up and gave it a drink from her water bottle. The duck was so grateful that it followed Lily back to the car.

Lily and the duck drove back home together and had a wonderful time playing in the garden. From then on, the duck became her best friend and they had many more adventures together. The end.


  1. What did Lily dream about before she went for a drive?
  2. Why did Lily help the dusty duck?
  3. Who became Lily's best friend after the car drive?
  4. What did Lily do to help the duck?
  5. What is the lesson you learned from the story?

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