The Great Exam Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends who loved to have adventures and go on exciting escapades. One evening, they heard about an event that was happening the very next day. The event was an examination to see who was the smartest in their town.

Everyone was really excited about the examination and wanted to do their best. Every single one of them studied hard all night, trying to make sure they knew the exact information they needed to know.

The next day, they all met at the examination hall. Each person took their turn sitting down at the desk and answering the questions as best they could.

To everyone’s surprise, they all did an excellent job. Even the shyest and quietest of the group answered every question correctly.

When the examination was over, everyone was so happy and proud of themselves. They all agreed that they would never forget this special event and the fun they had together.

From that day on, they went on even more adventures and escapades, always making sure to include everybody in their fun. And they lived happily ever after.


  1. What was the event in the story?
  2. How did the friends feel about the examination?
  3. How did the friends feel after the examination was over?
  4. Why did the friends go on more adventures after the examination?
  5. Was the examination an important event for the friends? Why or why not?

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