The Little Bear who Forgave and Didn't Forget

Once upon a time, there was a little bear who lived in the forest. He loved exploring and finding new adventures. One day, as he was playing, he came across a shiny fork. He picked it up and put it in his pocket, but soon forgot all about it.
Days passed and the bear met a wise old owl who taught him about forgiveness. The bear realized that holding onto grudges and anger wasn't good for his heart, and decided to put the lesson into practice by forgiving a friend who had wronged him.
Feeling lighter and happier, the bear went back to exploring the forest and stumbled upon the fork again. He remembered how he had forgotten about it and laughed at himself. From then on, the bear made sure to always forgive and not forget the important things in life. The end.


  1. Why did the bear put the fork in his pocket?
  2. What did the wise old owl teach the bear about?
  3. How did the bear feel after forgiving his friend?
  4. What did the bear laugh at himself for?
  5. Why is it important to forgive and not forget valuable lessons in life?

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