The General's Garden Game

Once upon a time, there was a General who lived in a big house with a beautiful garden. One day, he decided to have a game in his garden. He invited all the children from the neighborhood to come and play. When they arrived, they saw a big gate that led to the garden. The General greeted them and said, "I am so glad you could all come to play. I have a gift for each of you."
The children were very excited and followed the General into the garden where they saw a table with a glass of juice for each of them. "Let's go and play," the General said. They played many games and had lots of fun.
When it was time to go home, the General gave each child a small gift and said, "Thank you for coming to play. I hope you had a good time." The children thanked the General and went home, feeling happy and grateful. From that day on, they always thought of the General as a kind and gentle gentleman.


  1. What was the General's gift to the children?
  2. How did the children feel after playing in the garden and receiving gifts?
  3. What did the General do to show that he was a kind and gentle gentleman?
  4. Why did the children like the General so much?

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