Henrietta's High Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little hen named Henrietta who lived on a farm. Henrietta was very curious and wanted to see the world from a different height. So one day, she decided to go on an adventure to find the tallest place on the farm. She looked high and low, but every place she went was still too short for her.
Then she remembered that the farmer had a tall ladder in the barn. She quickly made her way over to the barn, climbed up the ladder and found herself at the top of a silo. From there, she could see all the way to the horizon! She was so happy that she started to dance and sing.
Just then, she heard a voice calling her name, "Henrietta, where are you?" It was her mother, looking for her. Henrietta called back, "I'm up here!" Her mother was amazed to see Henrietta so high up and asked her how she got there. Henrietta explained that she wanted to see the world from a different height.
From then on, Henrietta was known as the brave little hen who wasn't afraid to explore new heights. And she lived happily ever after, right here on the farm.


  1. What did Henrietta want to do?
  2. Where did she go to find a new height?
  3. How did Henrietta's mother react when she saw her at the top of the silo?
  4. How did Henrietta feel about her adventure?
  5. Why do you think Henrietta was brave?

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