Lily's Holiday Adventure: A Journey Through a Hole in Time

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She lived in a small house with her parents. One day, while playing in the park, she found a small hole. She decided to hold onto it and take it home as a special holiday souvenir. When she got home, she put the hole on her dresser and went to bed.
The next morning, when she woke up, she saw that the hole had grown bigger overnight! She was so excited, she ran to show her parents. To their surprise, the hole was now big enough for Lily to climb into!
She climbed in and found herself in a magical world filled with colorful creatures and amazing sights. She had the best holiday ever, exploring this new world and making new friends.
Eventually, it was time for Lily to go back home. She said goodbye to her new friends and climbed out of the hole. When she got back to her room, the hole had disappeared and everything was back to normal.
But Lily would never forget her amazing holiday adventure in the magical world she found through the hole.


  1. What did Lily find in the park?
  2. Where did Lily put the hole she found?
  3. What happened to the hole overnight?
  4. What was inside the hole?
  5. Who did Lily meet in the magical world?
  6. How did Lily get back home?
  7. What happened to the hole when Lily got back to her room?

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