The High Hill Hero: A Story of Friendship and Bravery

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Max who loved to play hide-and-seek with his friends. One day, during a game, Max found a hidden spot on top of a high hill. He ran up the hill and found a beautiful view from the top. It was so peaceful and quiet that he decided to make it his hobby to come up to the hill every day and watch the world go by.

One day, while Max was enjoying the view, he suddenly heard a noise. He turned around to see a man running towards him, being chased by a group of men. The man saw Max and asked for his help. Max didn't know what to do, but he knew he had to help him. So he offered to hide the man on the hill.

The man agreed and Max took him to a secret spot he had made for himself. The man explained to Max that his name was Jack and he had been wrongly accused of a crime. Max was determined to help Jack, so he came up with a plan. He would hit his father's car with a stick and pretend that it was Jack who did it. Max's father would then call the police and Jack could safely escape.

Max's plan worked perfectly and Jack was finally able to escape from the people chasing him. Jack thanked Max for his help and promised to never forget him. Max had made a new friend and learned that helping others is always the right thing to do, no matter what the consequences may be. From that day on, Max and Jack became the best of friends and continued to explore the high hill together.


  1. What did Max do to help Jack?
  2. Why did Max hit his father's car with a stick?
  3. How did Max and Jack become friends?
  4. What did Max learn from helping Jack?
  5. Why was Jack being chased by the group of men?

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