The Brave Kid and the Lost Key

Once upon a time, there was a kind kid named Kim. One day, Kim found a key while playing. He decided to keep it safe and went to the kitchen to put it away. But as he knelt down to put it in a drawer, he heard a knock at the door. When he opened it, he saw a man with a knife. The man said he was looking for a key that belonged to the king and wanted to kill whoever had taken it. Kim knew he had to protect the key, so he used his quick thinking and told the man he didn't know anything about it. The man left, thinking Kim was telling the truth, and Kim was able to keep the key safe. From that day on, Kim learned the importance of knowing when to tell the truth and when to keep secrets to keep himself and others safe.


  1. What did Kim do when he saw the man with the knife?
  2. Why was the man with the knife looking for the key?
  3. What did Kim learn from this experience?
  4. Why do you think Kim decided to keep the key?
  5. What would you have done if you were in Kim's place?

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