The Lesson in the Letter: Letting Kindness Shine

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She was curious about the world and loved to learn new things. One day, she received a letter from her grandmother. It was a special letter, and her grandmother told her that it had an important lesson for her.

Lily was excited to read the letter and learn the lesson. She opened the envelope and pulled out a piece of paper. On it, her grandmother had written a simple message: "Let your kindness shine."

Lily was confused at first, but she decided to take her grandmother's advice. She went out into the world and started doing small acts of kindness for others. She helped her friends with their homework, she held the door open for people, and she even gave her toys to children in need.

As she continued to let her kindness shine, Lily noticed that people around her were happier and more content. She realized that her grandmother's lesson was true – by being kind and helpful, she could make the world a better place.

Lily never forgot her grandmother's lesson and continued to live her life with kindness and generosity. And every time she thought about the letter, she smiled, knowing that she was making a difference, one small act of kindness at a time.


  1. What was the lesson in the letter that Lily received from her grandmother?
  2. How did Lily show kindness to others?
  3. Why was Lily able to make the world a better place by being kind?
  4. Why do you think it's important to be kind to others?
  5. Can you think of a way you can let your own kindness shine today?

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