Lily and the Long-Necked Bird

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She lived in a small and narrow village within a big nation. She loved to explore the nature near her home. One day, she went for a walk and came across a beautiful bird with a long neck. The bird's neck was nearly as long as Lily was tall!

Lily wanted to get closer to the bird, but she realized that she needed to be very careful not to scare it away. She walked slowly and quietly, and soon she was close enough to touch the bird's feathers. The bird looked at Lily with its big eyes and didn't fly away.

Lily was so happy that she started to pet the bird gently. The bird seemed to enjoy the attention and even let Lily lift it up by its long neck. Lily felt like she had made a new friend and she couldn't wait to see the bird again. From that day on, Lily went to the same spot every day to visit her new friend.

The end.


  1. What did Lily do when she saw the bird with a long neck?
  2. How did Lily approach the bird without scaring it away?
  3. How did the bird react to Lily's presence?
  4. What did Lily do every day after her first encounter with the bird?
  5. What do you think would have happened if Lily approached the bird differently?

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