The Orange Rabbit's Clever Order

Once upon a time, there was a small village where all the animals lived in harmony. One day, they decided to organize a race to determine which animal was the fastest. The rules were simple: everyone could only run in a straight line and the first one to reach the finish line would be the winner. The finish line was on the opposite side of the village.

The day of the race arrived, and all the animals gathered at the starting line. They were very excited, but also a bit nervous. Suddenly, the orange rabbit, who was known for being the fastest, said, "I'll go first!"

And so, the race began. The rabbit ran as fast as he could, but when he reached the end of the village, he found that the finish line was not there. Instead, there was a big sign that read: "The finish line is on the opposite side!"

The rabbit was a bit confused, but then he remembered the rule: he had to run in a straight line. So, he turned around and ran back to the starting line, but this time, he went in the opposite direction.

When he reached the finish line, he was the first to arrive. All the other animals cheered and congratulated him. From that day on, the orange rabbit was considered the fastest animal in the village, and everyone admired him.

And that's the story of how the orange rabbit won the race by following the rules and using his wit. The moral of the story is that sometimes, the best way to reach our goal is to do things differently than everyone else.


  1. What was the rule of the race?
  2. Why did the orange rabbit run in the opposite direction?
  3. What did the sign at the end of the village say?
  4. What was the moral of the story?
  5. How did the other animals react when the orange rabbit won the race?

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