Max the Private Detective and the Prize Hunt

Once upon a time, there was a private detective named Max. He was very good at solving mysteries and finding lost treasures. One day, he received a letter inviting him to join a treasure hunt. The prize for finding the treasure was a huge amount of gold coins!

Max accepted the invitation and started his journey. He traveled far and wide, searching for clues and following the map. After many days of searching, he finally found the treasure. When he opened the chest, he saw a big sign that read "Congratulations! You have won the prize!"

Max couldn't believe his eyes. He had never seen so much gold in his life. He took the prize and went back to his office, where he proudly displayed it for all to see. From that day on, Max was known as the best private detective, who had probably solved the biggest mystery of all time.

The end.


  1. What was the prize that Max won in the treasure hunt?
  2. Who invited Max to join the treasure hunt?
  3. How did Max feel when he found the treasure?
  4. What did Max display in his office after he won the prize?
  5. Why was Max known as the best private detective?

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