The Wise Man's Promise

Once upon a time, there was a small town with a big problem: they didn't have enough food to feed everyone. The townspeople had to go far and wide to find food, and it was becoming a real issue.

One day, a wise old man came to the town and promised to help them. He said that he could produce food for everyone if they gave him a proper piece of land to work on. The townspeople were skeptical, but they agreed to give him the land.

The old man worked hard on the land, planting crops and building a farm. He promised to protect the crops from any danger and provide food for everyone in the town. And true to his word, the crops flourished and the town had more food than they needed.

The public was amazed by the old man's success and they pulled together to help him. They built a proper market where they could sell their produce, and soon the town became known for its abundant food.

And so, the town learned that working together and helping each other could solve even the biggest problems. They promised to always protect and provide for each other, and the town lived happily ever after.


-What was the problem in the town?
-What did the wise man promise to do?
-What did the townspeople do to help the wise man?
-What was the outcome of the wise man's promise?
-What did the town learn from the story?

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