The Quick and Quiet Queen

Once upon a time, there was a Queen who ruled over a peaceful kingdom. One day, she had a question that she couldn't answer. She wanted to know what the secret of being quick and quiet was. So she asked her subjects for their advice.
A quite mouse stepped forward and said, "Your majesty, I can show you how to be quick and quiet." The mouse then demonstrated how to move quickly and quietly.
The Queen was impressed and thanked the mouse for its help. From that day on, she practiced every day to become quick and quiet. And soon, she could move as fast and quietly as the mouse.
The end.


  1. Who was the main character in the story?
  2. What did the Queen want to learn?
  3. Who helped the Queen become quick and quiet?
  4. How did the mouse help the Queen?
  5. What did the Queen do after she learned the secret of being quick and quiet?

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