Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved listening to the radio. She especially liked listening to it on rainy days because it made her feel cozy inside.
One day, while she was listening to the radio, she heard that there was going to be a big rainstorm that night. She raised the volume of the radio so she could hear better and listened carefully for any updates on the storm.
When the rain finally started coming down, Lily put on her raincoat and boots and went outside to reach for the flowers in her garden. Despite the heavy rain, she was determined to take care of them.
She read the instructions on the plant food she wanted to use and got ready to feed them. She made sure to use just the right amount so she wouldn't over-fertilize.
As she worked, she noticed that some of the flowers were real struggling to stand up straight in the wind and rain. So, she decided to raise them up by tying them gently to the stakes.
By the time she was finished, Lily was soaking wet but she was happy because she had taken care of her flowers and they were doing much better. She ran back inside, dried off, and snuggled up with a good book, listening to the lull of the rain and feeling proud of what she had accomplished.
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