The Adventure of Rice and Riches

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who lived in a small village. She was always curious about the world and loved to explore new things. One day, she heard about a magical land where the rice grew as tall as trees and the people were rich beyond measure. So she decided to go on an adventure to find this magical land.

Lily traveled for many days and nights, facing many challenges along the way. But she never lost hope, and finally she arrived at the gates of the magical land. She was amazed by what she saw – fields of rice as tall as trees, and people dressed in the finest clothes, lounging on comfortable chairs.

Lily approached one of the villagers and asked how they became so rich. The villager explained that every time someone ate a grain of rice from the fields, their wealth would increase tenfold.

Excited by this news, Lily gathered as much rice as she could carry and returned to her village. When she got home, she shared the rice with everyone she knew. And just as the villager had promised, everyone’s wealth increased tenfold.

The result was that everyone in the village became rich and lived happily ever after. From that day on, Lily was known as the girl who brought riches to her village and everyone looked up to her with admiration.

And that, my friends, is the story of how Lily returned from her adventure with riches beyond measure.


  1. What did Lily do when she heard about the magical land?
  2. How did the villagers become rich?
  3. Why did everyone in the village admire Lily?
  4. What was the result of Lily's adventure?
  5. How does this story show the importance of sharing?

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