Lily's Couch Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who lived in a small village. One day, her parents told her that they had to remove their old couch and rent a new one. But when the new couch arrived, it was broken and needed repair.
Lily offered to help repair the couch, but her parents said it was too difficult for her to do. So, instead, Lily decided to repeat the process of finding a new couch to rent. She went to a restaurant to have lunch and while she was there, she replied to an advertisement she saw on the wall about a furniture store that offered to repair and even replace any damaged furniture.
Lily went to the store, and they were able to repair the couch to perfect condition. Her parents were very happy and decided to report the good news to all their friends. After a long day of work, they all decided to rest at the restaurant and enjoy a delicious dinner together. The end.


  1. What did Lily do when she found out the couch was broken?
  2. Where did Lily go to reply to an advertisement she saw?
  3. Why did Lily's parents go to the restaurant with her?
  4. How did the problem with the couch get solved in the end?

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