The Sentence That Served a Smile

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sarah who loved to sit in her favorite seat and watch the world go by. One day, she saw a sign that read "Second-hand store." She decided to go inside and see what they had to sell.

As she walked around the store, she noticed that all of the items seemed to be in great condition. She found a beautiful tea set and asked the clerk how much it was. The clerk told her that it would cost just one sentence to buy it.

Sarah was confused, but the clerk explained that if she could come up with a sentence that made him smile, she could have the tea set for free. Sarah thought for a moment and then said, "A warm cup of tea is like a hug from the inside."

The clerk's face lit up and he said, "That's a wonderful sentence! You may have the tea set for free." Sarah was so happy and couldn't wait to serve her friends tea from her new set.

She sent a letter to all of her friends inviting them over for tea. When they arrived, they all seemed to be having a great time. Sarah was so proud to serve her friends and make them happy.

And from that day on, Sarah always remembered that a kind word can sometimes be worth more than money.


  1. What did Sarah do when she saw the sign for the second-hand store?
  2. Why did the clerk offer Sarah a tea set for free?
  3. What sentence did Sarah say to the clerk to earn the tea set?
  4. Why was Sarah happy to serve her friends tea from her new set?
  5. What lesson did Sarah learn about the power of words?

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