The Magic Shelf and the Shiny Shirt

Once upon a time, there was a small shelf in a room. The shelf was old and dusty, but one day it started to shine. Suddenly, a ship appeared from the shine. A man stepped out of the ship and walked over to the shelf. He took out a shiny shirt and put it on. The man then said "Thank you for bringing me here, shelf. I needed a new shirt for my journey." And with that, he climbed back into his ship and sailed away. The end.


  1. How did the shelf start to shine?
  2. What was the man's reaction to the shelf shining?
  3. Why did the man need a new shirt?
  4. Where did the man go after he put on the shiny shirt?
  5. Do you think the shelf will shine again?
  6. What do you think the man's journey was about?

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