Lily's Skillful Transformation

Once upon a time, there was a sister named Lily. She loved to sit and watch her older siblings play games with their friends. They were always so skilled and she wished she could be like them.
One day, Lily decided to try and learn a new skill. She practiced every day for six hours, determined to get better.
As she continued to practice, she noticed that she was getting bigger in size. Her clothes started to fit tighter and her arms and legs grew stronger.
Soon enough, Lily became just as skilled as her older siblings. They were amazed at how much she had improved and were so proud of her.
From then on, Lily was no longer just a spectator but an active participant in all their games. The end.


  1. What does Lily want to learn?
  2. How does she practice her new skill?
  3. How does Lily change throughout the story?
  4. Why are her siblings proud of her?
  5. Can you think of a time when you worked hard to improve in something?

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