The Smiling Hero and the Snowy Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sarah who loved to smile. One day, she decided to go for a walk in the snow. But as she walked she noticed smoke coming from a nearby house. Sarah ran to the house to see what was happening. To her surprise, she found a little boy who had accidentally set his sock on fire while trying to keep warm. Sarah quickly took off her coat and used it to put out the fire. Then she went to the bathroom and found some soap to wash the boy's hands and face. After everything was taken care of, the boy smiled and thanked Sarah for her help. From that day on, Sarah made sure to always carry a bar of soap with her, just in case she needed to help someone in need. And so, the moral of the story is: a smile and a helping hand can make someone's day.


  1. Why did Sarah go for a walk in the snow?
  2. What did Sarah do when she saw smoke coming from a house?
  3. What was the little boy doing when he set his sock on fire?
  4. How did Sarah help the little boy when he got burned?
  5. What is the moral of the story?

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