The Tenacious Tennis Player: A Tale of Overcoming Terrible Nerves

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Sarah who loved to play tennis. She was very good at it and wanted to be the best player in her school. One day, her teacher told the class that they would have a test on tennis the next week and whoever did the best would get a prize. Sarah was very excited and practiced every day.

The day of the test finally arrived, and Sarah was feeling confident. But when she started hitting the ball, she realized that she had a terrible case of stage fright. She was so nervous that she couldn't hit the ball properly. The teacher saw how terrible Sarah was playing and told the class that she would give everyone ten more minutes to practice.

Sarah was determined not to let her nerves get the better of her and worked harder than ever. She practiced for ten more minutes, and when the test was over, she had improved dramatically. The teacher was so impressed with her progress that she gave her the prize - a brand new tennis racket!

From that day on, Sarah never let her nerves get in the way of her love for tennis. She went on to become one of the best players in the city and always remembered to tell others that it's okay to feel nervous sometimes and that with hard work and determination, they can overcome anything.


  1. How does Sarah feel about playing tennis at the beginning of the story?
  2. What does Sarah's teacher do to help her during the test?
  3. Why does Sarah get a prize at the end of the story?
  4. What lesson does Sarah learn from her experience?
  5. How can you apply the lesson from the story to your own life?

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