Lila's Toolbox Tooth Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lila who loved to play with tools. She had a toolbox filled with all sorts of tools and tonight she wanted to work on her latest project. But as she reached for her toolbox, she noticed something strange. All of her tools were gone!

Lila looked high and low, but she couldn't find her tools anywhere. She was getting too worried when suddenly she heard a funny noise coming from inside her mouth. She opened her mouth and to her surprise, she found all of her tools stuck in her tooth!

Lila didn't know what to do. She went to the top of the hill to think about it and as she sat there, she realized that she could use the tools to fix her tooth. So she carefully took out each tool and used it to fix her tooth.

And just like that, Lila's tooth was as good as new! From that day on, she always made sure to keep her tools in her toolbox and her tooth was never bothered again. The end.


  1. Why did Lila have all her tools stuck in her tooth?

  2. How did Lila fix her tooth without her tools?

  3. What did Lila learn from this experience?

  4. Do you think Lila will remember to keep her tools in her toolbox from now on?

  5. Can you think of a time when you had to be creative to solve a problem?

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