Tim and the Troubled Trains

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Tim who loved to travel. He lived in a small town where he could see a train and a tram pass by every day. One day, while playing near a big tree, he noticed that the total number of trains and trams had decreased. He decided to find out what was causing the trouble.

Tim hopped on the next tram and traveled to the next town. When he arrived, he saw that all the trees near the tracks were being cut down. He realized that the trains and trams were having trouble touching the ground because the trees were in the way.

Tim knew he had to do something to help. He rallied the kids in the town and together they planted new trees along the tracks. Slowly but surely, the total number of trains and trams increased, and everyone was happy. The town was filled with greenery, and Tim was proud of what he and the other kids had accomplished.

The end.


  • Why did the number of trains and trams decrease in Tim's town?
  • How did Tim solve the problem of the trains and trams not touching the ground?
  • How did Tim and the other kids feel after they planted the trees along the tracks?
  • What can we learn from Tim's story about helping our environment?

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