The Wheel's Search for Home

Once upon a time, there was a wheel that belonged to a little toy car. The wheel loved to roll and play, but it didn't know where it belonged. One day, the wheel asked its friends, "When will I find out where I belong?"

The other toys told the wheel not to worry and that it would find its home soon enough. The wheel rolled and rolled, searching for its place in the world.

One day, the wheel saw a beautiful red toy car. The car had lost one of its wheels and was unable to move. The wheel asked, "Which one of you needs my help?" The red car replied, "That's me! I need a wheel like you to help me move again."

The wheel was overjoyed to have found its home and happily went to help the red car. From that day on, the wheel and the red car were the best of friends and had many adventures together.

The end.


  1. What did the wheel want to find out?
  2. How did the wheel finally find its home?
  3. Who helped the red car move again?
  4. Why was the wheel happy in the end?

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