Wendy's Wet Wedding Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Wendy who lived in the West. Wendy was excited because her neighbor was getting married in one week! Wendy had never been to a wedding before and she was eager to see what would happen.

On the day of the wedding, Wendy woke up feeling well and happy. She weighed herself on the scale and was surprised to see that she had lost weight! She put on her best dress and went outside to welcome the bride and groom.

However, when she got outside, the weather was wet. It was raining cats and dogs! Wendy was disappointed because she thought the wedding would be ruined.

But then she heard the bride and groom say "What a beautiful day this is! We're so happy to be getting married, rain or shine!" Wendy smiled and realized that the rain didn't matter. The wedding was still going to be wonderful, no matter what the weather was like.

And so, Wendy had a wonderful time at the wedding. She learned that the most important thing about a wedding is the love between the bride and groom, not the weather.


  • What was Wendy worried about when she saw the rain on the day of the wedding?
  • Why was Wendy surprised when she weighed herself on the day of the wedding?
  • What did Wendy learn about weddings after attending her neighbor's wedding?
  • Have you ever been to a wedding? What was your favorite part?

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