Lily's Story: Overcoming Worry to Change the World

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who lived in a small village. She loved to write stories and dreamed of sharing them with the world one day. However, she often worried about making mistakes and whether people would like what she wrote.
One day, while she was working on a new story, she heard that the world was going through its worst time. The sun was not shining, the sky was dark, and everyone seemed to be in a bad mood. Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. She decided to write a story to cheer up the world
She worked hard and finally finished her story. She read it over and over again, making sure everything was just right. Finally, she went out into the world and shared her story with everyone she met. Her words brought a smile to their faces and they all felt a little better.
Lily learned that it's okay to make mistakes and that worrying about being perfect can hold you back from doing what you love. She continued to write and share her stories, spreading joy and happiness wherever she went. And the world became a brighter and happier place because of it.


  1. What was Lily worried about when she started writing her story?
  2. Why did Lily decide to write a story to cheer up the world?
  3. How did Lily feel after she finished her story and shared it with others?
  4. Why was the world a happier place because of Lily's stories?
  5. What did Lily learn from this experience?

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