The Wise Woman and the Magic Wire

Once upon a time, there was a wise old woman who lived in a small village. She was known for her intelligence and kind heart. One day, she came across a wire that had gotten tangled up in the bushes. She carefully untangled it and noticed that it was connected to a magical lamp. She rubbed the lamp and out popped a genie!

The genie granted her three wishes and she wished for peace in the village, food for all those in need, and happiness for everyone. The genie granted her wishes and the woman was filled with wonder at the power of her words.

She soon realized that she could use the wire connected to the lamp to spread her messages of kindness and wisdom throughout the village. She would go from house to house, connecting the wire from one home to another, sharing her words of wisdom with everyone she met.

Without the woman's wise words and the magic wire, the village would not have been filled with happiness and peace. But with her wisdom and the power of her words, she was able to bring joy to the hearts of everyone she met. And so the villagers lived happily ever after.


  • What was the woman's wish when she rubbed the magic lamp?
  • Why did the woman connect the wire from one house to another?
  • How did the woman's words of wisdom help the village?
  • What is the importance of being wise and using your words wisely?

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