The Nimble, Poky, Prompt and Quick Race

Once upon a time, in a forest lived three friends: a nimble deer named Dash, a poky tortoise named Turtle, and a quick rabbit named Hop. One day, they decided to have a race to see who was the fastest.
Dash took the lead right away, zigzagging through the trees with ease. But Turtle, being slow and steady, soon caught up. Hop, on the other hand, was hopping as fast as he could, but he kept stopping to rest.
Just when it seemed like Turtle was going to win, Hop came up with a plan. He asked Dash to help him and together, they managed to prompt Turtle to go even faster. And in no time, all three friends crossed the finish line together, laughing and having fun.
From that day on, they promised to always help each other and have fun no matter who won the races.
The end.


  1. Who do you think won the race?
  2. Why did Hop ask Dash for help during the race?
  3. What did the friends learn from the race?
  4. How did the friends feel at the end of the race?
  5. What is the moral of the story?

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