The Love That Conquered Heat and Cold

Once upon a time, there was a land called the Kingdom of Heat and Cold. It had two kingdoms, one was blistering hot and the other was freezing cold. The King of the blistering hot kingdom fell in love with the Queen of the freezing cold kingdom. One day, they decided to exchange gifts. The King gifted her a chill pill that would make her feel cool even in the scorching heat. The Queen, on the other hand, gifted him a frosty jacket that would keep him warm in the frigid cold. They both tried each other's gifts and were amazed at how well they worked. They realized that love can conquer even the harshest of temperatures and they lived happily ever after, never feeling too hot or too cold.


  1. What were the two kingdoms called in the story?
  2. What was the King of the blistering hot kingdom's gift to the Queen of the freezing cold kingdom?
  3. What was the Queen of the freezing cold kingdom's gift to the King of the blistering hot kingdom?
  4. How did the King and Queen feel after trying each other's gifts?
  5. Why do you think the story says "love can conquer even the harshest of temperatures"?

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