Saving the Future Together

Once upon a time, in the future, the world was facing a big problem. The global environment was in danger and humans needed to find a way to save it. They started exploring their internal thoughts and feelings to discover what they could do to help. They realized that they needed to work together and use their creativity and love for nature to make a change.

So, they created a plan to plant more trees, reduce waste, and use clean energy. They also shared their ideas with others, encouraging them to join them in their mission. Their hard work and determination paid off, and the world became a better place for everyone to live in.

The end.


  1. Why was the world in danger in the story?
  2. What did the humans do to help save the environment?
  3. How did they come up with their plan to help the environment?
  4. What did they do to encourage others to join them in their mission?
  5. Did their hard work and determination pay off in the end?

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