Chestnut's Colorful Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a magical land filled with colorful creatures. One day, a chestnut horse named Chestnut was wandering through the forest when he stumbled upon a chocolate river. He drank from the river and felt a burst of energy. Chestnut then noticed a cobalt blue bird flying overhead carrying a beak full of citron fruit. The bird offered Chestnut a piece and he ate it, feeling even more energetic.

Chestnut continued on his journey and soon came across a claret red dragon breathing fire. The dragon was surrounded by piles of coal and Chestnut was frightened. But then the dragon offered him a cup of coffee and Chestnut realized the dragon was friendly. They became fast friends and went on adventures together, exploring the chartreuse green hills and discovering new wonders along the way.

The end.


  1. What did Chestnut find in the chocolate river?
  2. How did Chestnut feel after eating the citron fruit?
  3. Who became Chestnut's friend in the story?
  4. What color was the claret dragon?
  5. What did the claret dragon offer Chestnut?

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