Lily and the Optimal Oriented Robot

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to explore and learn new things. She was especially interested in the world of technology and loved to play with her online toys. One day, she ordered a new robot that had an optimal design and was oriented towards learning.
As she started playing with it, she realized that the robot's movements were orthogonal, meaning they moved at right angles from each other. The robot also had an oscillating arm that moved back and forth in parallel with its body.
Lily was amazed by all the different movements the robot could make and was partial to this new toy. She spent hours playing with it, trying out different combinations of movements, and learning more about science and technology.
In the end, Lily learned that with a combination of the right design and orientation, anything was possible. She went on to use her knowledge and imagination to build even more amazing online toys, always striving for the optimal combination of movements.


-What was the name of the little girl in the story?
-What was her favorite thing to play with online?
-What kind of movements could the robot make?
-What did Lily learn from playing with the robot?
-What is orthogonal movement?
-What did Lily go on to do with her knowledge and imagination?

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