The Relaxed and Simple Journey

Once upon a time in a peaceful forest, there lived a relaxed and happy bear named Benny. He loved spending his days lounging in the sun and playing with his friends. One day, he heard that the shortest route to the river was through a simple and sparsely populated area of the forest. Benny was curious and decided to explore this new path.

As he walked, he marveled at the simplicity of the surroundings. The trees were spaced far apart, allowing him to see the sky and feel the sun on his fur. He saw rabbits hopping about and birds flying overhead. He felt so relaxed and content that he sat down for a rest.

While he was resting, Benny heard a rustling in the bushes. Out popped a tiny mouse who looked up at him with big, curious eyes. The mouse asked if Benny knew the way to the river and if it was a safe journey.

Benny smiled and told the mouse that the shortest route was simple and sparsely populated, making it a safe and relaxing journey. The mouse thanked Benny and scampered away, and Benny continued his journey to the river, feeling even more relaxed and content than before.

From that day on, Benny was known as the friendliest and most relaxed bear in the forest, and everyone wanted to be like him. He had found true happiness by taking the simplest and shortest route and enjoying the peace and quiet of the sparsely populated area.


  1. Why did Benny go on a journey to the river?
  2. What did Benny think about the area he walked through?
  3. Who did Benny meet on his journey?
  4. How did Benny feel after his journey to the river?
  5. Why was Benny known as the friendliest and most relaxed bear in the forest?

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